trans-cool Tokyo

Trans-cool Tokyo is in Singapore Art Museum now, check out

too cute

I had hard time picking one among these lamp from urbanoutfitters, there are just too cute.

UFO hunters

That night we saw some comes-and-go light that we decided it should be UFO :->.
I bet these photos looks a little cliche, tough.

last xmas

Just came across these cushion covers I made for my friends for last Xmas, ah, time flies.


I was telling W about the sunset along West Coast Highway during my way home, it was strangely round and big and vibrant. I feel like traveling into it each evening.

egg3 cafe

I have nothing much to say about the cafe, though it was a fun time having a cuppa there, I find the thing I most love is the heart shape stirrer, and, of course, those cats around the area.

this & that in Tokyo

I had a great time spending 8 days in Tokyo, it's fast-pace but once you slow down the foot steps, you'll realized how nice to just sit along the riverside to simply enjoy the breeze in early summer and, wow, every corner here are just pretty and dreamy.

street walker 05

I bumped into her every few mornings, she looks really laid-back and settled-down at this multi-storey carpark. oh ya, she has a corner with her food and drink a lady fed her everyday, sometimes I'll peek at her corner to try looking for her.
hua hua, is the name i gave her.

watch the sky

watching the sky changing its face is like imagining the color changes on the canvas, love the randomness of the hues.

morning light

Most of the mornings I'll walk pass this stretch of old shophouse, being amazed by how beautiful the sunlight casting on it.